Differences Between A Disc Plough and A Disc Harrow
When it comes to farming, having the right equipment can mean the difference between an ultra successful crop and one that’s well below expectation because the ground hasn’t been prepared to the proper depth.
At Grizzly, we not only use groundbreaking technology for our equipment, but we also want you to get the right equipment for your job at hand. For this reason, in this article, we will explore the difference between a disc plough and a disc harrow.
Functionalities of A Disc Plow
A disc plough is a machine manufactured by Grizzly and has a disc by design, meaning it has a tandem or conventional offset design of two rows. The configuration includes front and rear discs that turn the direction of the soil in different directions. It’s heavy enough to use on uncultivated land and can dig upwards of 150mm for weed control, flattening out paddocks and preparing seedbeds.
A less common configuration and a way that Grizzly doesn’t offer is in a one-way form where it only has one row of discs on an individual hub and replaces the mould-board plough, which, as it suggests, turns the soil in only one direction.
Comparing Disc Ploughs to Harrows
The main difference between a plough and a harrow is that the harrow is lighter and won’t penetrate as deeply. Its primary role is cultivating loose soil suitable for weed control and creating a seedbed if the ground is already soft.
Although Grizzly doesn’t sell disc harrows, our Vini Disc, Little Grumpy and True Blue is of very similar specifications with our other models, such as the Field Master, is more suitable as a deeper penetrating plough. One of the primary differences between these two machines is the penetrating weight and strength of the equipment.
You will find that the type of farmers that use a disc harrow only need light cultivation of around 50mm. As a speed disc, the harrow is not limited to specific crop types; deciding between a harrow and plough is determined by what you want to achieve and how the soil sets.
Making a choice – Which is Better?
When it comes down to choosing between the two, it’s not generally a matter of what is better but more about what best suits your farming needs.
If it is the versatility you require, you can be confident that you have the weight to penetrate the soil as needed. Further, you can also use it as a harrow by running more weight on the wheels, which will lift the machine out of the ground, which means less penetration into the ground.
If your preference is to use a disc plough as a harrow, you will be required to adjust the gang angles to be straighter and allow you to go quicker and shallower. As a standard guide, the defining weight crossover for a harrow is the weight of 80kg down, and anything heavier is a disc plough.
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Family owned and operated as well as Australian Designed and built for Aussie farmers and Aussie conditions.
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At Grizzly, we are your online specialists for farming equipment. We are on hand to answer any of your questions about our machinery, including our ploughs. We would like to discuss your requirements and welcome you to contact us.
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