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HomeEquipmentVini Disc | Vineyard Cultivation
Home Vini Disc | Vineyard Cultivation
Vini Disc | Vineyard Cultivation

Vini Disc | Vineyard Cultivation

The Original Vini Disc, named for its ability to maneuver its way around a vineyard, is a medium duty 3-point linkage tandem offset. The Vini Disc is also ideal for small farms, market gardens, and open fields where a smaller horse power tractor – generally between 40-70 horse power is used to cultivate paddocks.

The Vini Disc is unique in its design and functionality, with its featured tandem offset design that means there no side draft on the tractor at all, meaning that your tractor steers straight down the row you are discing. Ridges and hollows and working around and around also become a thing of the past. A seamless driving is experienced with the tractor not pushing sideways on the steering wheel as you drive. This gives you the ability to move your way up and down a row or track, with the discs working without pushing the tractor left or right and sitting square behind the tractor; this enable you to easily pull and drive.

Another key feature is the tandem offset, where the soil doesn’t get thrown to one side of the vine which means it has better control of the soil. Standard with patented floppy T-Bar scrapers and adjustable gang angles as well as designed and proofed disc alignment ensuring the rear discs run truly in between the front discs giving you a complete and even cut out.

There is no other product close to the build quality and performance and functionality of the Vini Disc and it largely stands on its own for a high quality disc for tractors starting from 40 horsepower. If you think you wanted something heavier to dig a little deeper for larger tractors then the Heavy Duty Linkage (HDL) may suit you better, or if you wanted a trailing unit then the Little Grumpy or Grumpy models are what you want to look at.

The Vini Disc is intentionally created to be light. This is so that it is able to work the intended width while still being lifted and used with small tractors which are often fit bolt on filler discs.

Australian Made

Family owned and operated as well as Australian Designed and built for Aussie farmers and Aussie conditions.



The Vini Disc comes with a 2-year warranty
Contact Grizzly or your nearest dealer for further information.

Vini-Disc Specifications


Vini-Disc Options


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